Recombinant Business Intelligence

A Smarter Way to View Your Data

In an ever changing business world where every second counts, a business user must gather and analyze data with agility to respond to fast moving challenges. Pre-defined analytical logic all too often does not fit new operation but the traditional OLAP or the recently more popular In-Memory BI tools all lack such capability to allow the business user to rapidly adapt to changes therefore these expensive BI system at the most is little more than a fancy report generator for the ITs with little or no self-service capabilities promised to the business users.

The Recombinant BI, or Group Tables, feature in Analyzer™ replaces inflexible hierarchy and pre-defined named set found in traditional BI system with dynamic aggregated groups and Analytical Patterns to provide end-to-end solution for business user to satisfy any operational analysis to achieve the true self-servicing BI.

What is Recombinant BI?

Recombinant BI emphasis on rapid data realization, provides end-to-end self service BI that turns data to analysis results, all without the needs for the long process of building a traditional Data Warehouse (DW) nor has the needs to predefine cubes, hierarchies or named sets.

With traditional OLAP or In-Memory tools, it often require well-trained DBA or outside consultants to build the database. In addition, iteration of hierarchies and named sets also need to be created between IT and the business user. All these are factors that reduce the usefulness of a BI system.

Recombinant BI provides end-to-end self service BI from data to analysis for business users.

Group Tables middle
Analyzer Group Tables

What Does Recombinant BI Do?

  • Dynamically define groups for analysis
  • Complete set of data analysis functions and logics
  • Deviation management capability
  • Reusable Analytical Patterns
  • Easy direct data source management